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"Unlearned Men"

April 15, 2023, 2:00 AM

This Spring season and Easter Celebration brought to my mind, not only Jesus's life and sacrifices but also His 12 disciple's lives and sacrifices. In the book of Acts 4:13 - 20, the Sadducees marveled at Peter and John, because of their boldness, saying they were unlearned and ignorant men of the scriptures.


Travel with me for a while in my imagination of the journeys of these 12 men.  Not one of them ever planned on being a missionary or attending any school of divinity. They were simple farmers and fishermen, purposely hand picked by Jesus to become "Fishers of Men". They did not even know what that phrase meant.


Jesus did not give them weeks, days or even hours to decide whether to follow Him or keep on with their lives as they were then. Each one had homes with families and loved ones, like anyone else. Yet, each man felt the call, dropped everything and left it all to follow Jesus.


There were no jet planes or trains to board. They walked with Him approximately 3,125 miles, in about 3 years time.  Can you imagine, following your teacher, in the hot, dry and dusty desert? They had no Nikes for their tired feet. They wore simple, unsupportive sandals. It is estimated they walked about 20 to 25 miles a day, through Galilee, Judea and surrounding areas.  They stopped and rested along the way, on boulders and big rocks.  They had to bathe in the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River, and I doubt they ate 3 meals a day.


The disciples were with the Master Teacher 24/7.  They witnessed and participated in constant unplanned training, in the wilderness lab.  They witnessed His miracles of healing the sick, raising people from the dead, as well as feeding thousands of people with only a couple baskets of fish and bread.  They saw Him turn water into wine and never announced it to anyone but a couple of the disciples and His mother.


Jesus also gave His disciples the power to heal so they began to do miracles as well; Matthew 10:1 - 23.  After His death and resurrection, they continued His ministry, establishing His early church. They achieved this knowing  they would most likely be put to death as well, as He had told them they would be.  Acts 2:38, on the Day of Pentecost, these 12 men lead the way in establishing Christianity, turning the world upside down.  "Unlearned and ignorant men," I think not.


Charlotte Ann




04-26-2023 at 8:04 PM
04-18-2023 at 12:04 AM
Good read 👍
04-15-2023 at 3:54 PM
Sue B.
Great job Charlotte! I really enjoyed your post and perfect song. Thank you for sharing the talents God has given you with us!
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