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The Sheep Farmer

August 25, 2023, 1:00 AM

"The Sheep Farmer"

A friend of mine told me this story many years ago.  After the first time I heard it, I would often ask her to tell me this story again over and over.

Its magnificence just captured my heart and mind.  She is such a good story teller anyway.  When we would have discussions about things and disagree, unlike with most other people, something inside me would put it in the back pocket of my mind.  I would take it out later and think on it again and again.

The Sheep Farmer touched me.  Here's how the story goes …

A preacher went out for a walk in the country, to see the beautiful rural and country sights.  It was a pleasant sunny and balmy day.  After he had walked a mile or two, he came upon a farm and the farmer was out mending his fence.

The preacher bid the farmer a good day and after chit-chatting with him a few minutes, he asked the farmer, "Tell me sir, what do you know about the blood of the lamb?"

The farmer scratched his head slowly and replied to the inquiring preacher; "Well sir, I've been a sheep farmer for 20 years, so I will tell you what I know about the blood of the lamb."

The farmer went on to explain about when the ewes give birth, they all foal around the same time.  It is not unusual to lose a mother ewe in the birthing process, nor is it unusual to lose a newborn infant, while it's being born.  So, you have a few ewes without a baby, and you have a few orphaned babies with no mother.

Now, if you attempt to convince a ewe to take a baby that is not her lamb, she will not have it.  The newborn infant will starve to death.  However, if you take an orphaned lamb and smear the blood of the mothers dead lamb on its body, the mother of the dead lamb will smell her blood on the live baby and take it as her own, nourish and protect it.  "That, sir, is what I know of the blood of the lamb." (Author unknown)

Our God is a wonderous and loving father to all.  He is a majestic mystery.  Please enjoy this beautiful song and video.  May Gods truth and peace resonate in our spirits to show the way.  Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!

Charlotte Ann



09-14-2023 at 11:25 AM
Candace Bradley
WHAT a clear and wonderfully visual analogy!!! Makes it so understandable that Jesus precious blood covers us so we are acceptable. My prayer is to bathe myself in the blood of Jesus so others see only Him and not me. Amen! Thanks for such a fabulous rendition of the truth!
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