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July 14, 2023, 2:00 AM


Happy Friday, Friends!  Summertime is my favorite time of the year.  I'd like to share an old blog I wrote years ago.  It's one of my favorites, probably because it's a true story that took place at the beach, which is my Happy Place.

Growing up, we always went to the beach for a week, every summer.  So, I am a water person and with a love for adventure, I had to grow a fear, or respect of the ocean water.  I have had some very exciting vacations, learning this respect.

One big lesson was at Virginia Beach.  I was with my lifelong friend Candace and her son, Thomas Preston or TP.  It was just our luck to be there during a rip tide.  Wouldn't you know it, we had just purchased a new raft for the waves!

We got down to the beach and there were red flags everywhere, lifeguards alert and watching.  But people were swimming, kids were playing in the water.  So, of course, we jumped into the wild and swirling waves!

Funny thing, as we were all three experienced water/beach people, we failed to fully realize that the tide was going out.  Yeah, we got caught, swirling, drifting out to Never Never Land.  We knew we were in real trouble when we could not touch the ocean bottom with our feet!

The lifeguards whistled several times but we couldn't get back.  So, one of them came out, swimming with his little red, floaty thing, to save us.  Thank God, he was young and muscular.

By the time he made it out to us, TP was on the raft and Candace was in the water, hanging on to it.  I was trying to catch a hold of it but not succeeding.

The lifeguard grabbed on and started towing them in but I still wasn't able to reach the raft.  I struggled and struggled but the water kept pulling me out.  I continued to get further behind into deeper water.  Candace became very concerned and continuously called for me to catch up.

All I could do was keep paddling towards them, fighting against the pull of the water moving out.  After much effort, I finally caught hold of the raft and was pulled to safety along with them.  We were made to stay on the beach for 30 minutes as punishment for going out so far.

It seemed funny then, because we didn't mean to get swept up and go out that far.  It just happened.

Later, I kept recalling the incident, mentally re-enacting it.  I realized even a second lifeguard might not have had time to get to me before I was pulled under, or ran out of breath and energy.

I had never had to struggle that hard in the water before to save myself.  That's when I scarily knew I really could have drowned.  I had never been afraid in the water before 'till then.  Even during the incident, when the lifeguard was coming out to us and then pulling them in, I wasn't thinking, "I'm gonna drown and die."  My mind automatically went into survival mode, I guess. It was more like,"Grab that raft!" Now I wonder, what if I was consumed with fear and the possibility of drowning, not focused on survival?  Would I have been able to catch the raft?  I never thought about that 'till writing this post.

Hind-sight's 20/20. We just wanted to have fun at the beach.  How easily the tide does change things!  I won't ever be as adventuresome in the water, as before that beach trip.

I am reminded of the Bible story of Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14: 25 - 31.  One of the apostles, Peter, asked to walk on the water also. At first, he did, walking towards Jesus.  But when he saw the "wind boisterous, he was afraid" and began to sink.  He cried out to the Lord to save him and Jesus did.  Peter fell because he moved his focus from Jesus, to the wind and water.

Each spring I can hardly wait for summer. Beach time!  But now I know to focus on safety, above all else while having lots of fun.

You know I have more stories to tell you!  Have I had some good times in Hatteras?  You know it!  Have a terrific weekend, friends!

Charlotte Ann

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