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Freedom isn't Free

June 30, 2023, 6:52 AM

            Freedom isn't Free


Hello again, my Peaceful friends! Another wonderful weekend awaits us and it's the

4th of July, our Independence

Day, for America!


Through the years, our family always met at one of our sibling's homes, we all brought food and we'd sometimes have a family game of softball! Watching adults that don't exercise regularly, play softball, can be really funny!  Those are some fond memories.


My freedom has always been very important to me. However, I think over the last 50+ years, we've become spoiled and even lost in our freedom.


So many people in other countries and here as well, don't have all the luxuries we've enjoyed for years, and take for granted.  They don't all eat 3 meals a day or even have modern plumbing.  While we bellyache if we don't get our fast food hamburger our way.  We see pictures of starving children with bloated bellies and bulging eyes, and we look AWAY. It's too sad to think about.


We have a current generation of college students now that expect their tuition to be paid in full by hard working, middle class Americans, who couldn't even put themselves through college.  These young people even riot for it, as if it is their God-given right!  Is America now teaching our youth they don't have to work and help pay their own way in life?


Excuse me if I sound negative,  but I see America the Great, falling down fast.  Our children don't want to work, and our national debt is above $32 trillion.  Folks, we're close to losing our shirts, our pants, homes and our very freedom!


How long do we expect to fly like this?  The buck stops with the highest bidder for the United States, while everyone watches "America the Beautiful," crash and burn …  That'll never happen, you say?  Well we better pray NOT!


I don't see any easy answers or fixes.  We have no magic politicians to lead the way, no democrats and no republicans.  We're in over our heads now, broke, busted and disgusted.


Only our most high and gracious Lord God can get us out of this one.  So, I'm asking each one of you that reads this blog, to spread the WORD.   Let's each one of us set aside a special time, this 4th of July weekend, to bow our heads and our knees.  Let's unite together, not just as the United States, but as the human race.  Let's ask our Lord to intercede and assist each one of us, individually.  Help each one of us turn away from anything that does not please Him and embrace His Will for our lives.  Let's ask for His help for each and every country, China, Russia, everyone under the sun.  We're in this together.  Together we sink or together we float.


We must be humble with this prayer or He will resist us.  That's His Word, not mine!  Being humble and not proud is listed in His Word in several books and in 25 verses or more. I believe it's rather important.  We need to pray earnestly and in all sincerity, for our freedom and liberty.  Because it's never been free.  We have to fight for it, not with bombs and guns, leave that to our military, but with sincere and obedient prayer.  We can do this, my friends, praying  together.


Please enjoy this very old song, I picked.  You may feel it's nerdy.  It's actually a golden blast from our past.  Let the first and last word of this song permeate into your spirit.   It gives me chills!  Happy 4th of July and have a terrific and independent weekend, ya'll!


Charlotte Ann






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