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September 8, 2023, 6:00 AM


Dear Jesus, my Jesus, I've come to see,

I need to love others the way you love me.


Please help me, Dear Savior, to always see through.

To look through another as if it were You.


I need to forgive them and not justify,

my pain and my anger just

aren't qualified.


If there's hate in my heart, it's taking up room,

that could free up space for more love to bloom.


Please clean up my tongue so people can see,

it's all about You and not about me.


May I take a backseat while letting You lead.

Help me not push while planting Your seeds.


I don't have to know them to pray for their souls.

Teach me to pray for all young and the old.


Oh help me, Dear Jesus, to not put You off.

I may not have time here and can't pay that cost.


Lord, replace my agenda, with Your words to keep,

"If you love me, then feed my sheep."


Charlotte Ann


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